Rodeløkkens Kolonihager

Rodeløkkens kolonihager er et kolonihageanlegg på Rodeløkka i Oslo. Det ble grunnlagt i 1907 og er Norges eldste kolonihage. 


Rodeløkkens kolonihager ble opprettet som Christiania Smaahaver og var i utgangspunktet beregnet på arbeiderklassen, selv om det meldte seg folk i alle yrker.

Koloni fuglehus

Hagen ble anlagt med hjelp fra senere bygartner Marius Røhne. Hagen har 151 forskjellige hytter med flotte hager. Fellesområdet på Toppen har en står gressplen som er et populært sted for nabolagets barnefamilier.

Oversiktsbilde fra Utsiktstoppen

Om sommeren er hagen et paradis av dufter der bugner av roser og blomster. Hagen ligger et steinkast fra Trafikkmaskinen på Carl Berners plass

Text source: Wikipedia. Photos: My Oslo Norway

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Torshovdalen (not to be confused with Torshov Park) is another park area in Oslo.

The park is located between Torshov in the west, sinsen in the east, Rosenhoff and Rodeløkka in the southeast and south and Gjøvikbaken in the north.

In connection with the development of Torshov, bulding engineer Marius Røhne made sure that this area was spared development in the 1934 regulation plan.

The Torshov Valley entered here into a contionous park belt and walkways through the city.

The reason was the beginning of thinking about the need for light, fresh air and and access to the nature for the city`s population with the positive impact this had on public health.

However, buying and designing the area took time and was delayed b by the occupation during World War II.

In June 2014, the scuplture”HODET N.N.” by Marianne Heske was unveiled on the plateau in the middle of the park, as part of the project “Sculpturstopp”.

Text source: Wikipedia – Photos: My Oslo Norway